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Good morning, friends! Happy Sunday! This past Thursday, America turned 241 years old!  Can you imagine being that old?  The cake would be an inferno with all those candles.  Anywho…Grab your tea, iced or hot, make yourselves comfy and let’s talk!   🙂


If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: it was an odd week with a day off towards the end.  The 4th of July was on Thursday, and while most companies give their employees the long weekend, hubby wasn’t so lucky.  So having him home, then not home, then home again, confused the heck out of me.  I mean how many times can Sunday fall in one week?

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: I may have found an illustrator for my children’s bedtime poem!! I am so excited.  I am sending the artist my specs and praying we can work together!  Fingers crossed.  Thought and prayers are always appreciated, too!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: if you haven’t checked it out, Sally Cronin has me over at her place.  Click the links for Week One and Week Two.  She’s been digging into my archives and sharing some of my older posts with everyone.  It’s a lot of fun to see what she decided on.  Stop by, if you haven’t already, and check it out! And if you’re not following Sally, OH, the fun you’re missing out on.  She has a fabulous blog filled with so many different things. Could be why she calls it the Smorgasbord!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: I found a new stress reducer.  Alyssa has been coloring on an app called Happy Color, and would randomly send me pics.  I browsed the app store and chose one.  Turned out to be the same one she has.  I have coloring books for the older generation, (after all we never really grow up), but to find the time is another story.  This I can do before bed, or during breakfast, because it’s on my phone.  This particular app is color by number, but trust me, some of the pics are by no means easy.  Here are a couple I’ve done, just to give you an idea.

It’s very relaxing, but also very addicting!  So beware, should you decide to check it out.

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: l started driving again this week, so best get off the roads! 😀  Alyssa has an issue with her ankle and we wound up in the ER.  Poor kid couldn’t even walk on it.  They told her she may have shin splints, and we’ll be seeing the orthopedist next week.  The hospital told her she should stay off it for 4 days, so I took her to her jobs and helped her walk her pups.  She’s doing better, but we don’t want her to push it.

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: as I said earlier, this past Thursday was Independence Day for the United States.  Most Americans celebrate with BBQ’s.  We just took it easy, ate at our leisure and enjoyed the day.  It was a hot one, but beautiful.  Our town had the fireworks the night before, on the 3rd, but the community next to us had theirs on the 4th.  Boy, was that loud!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: speaking of…we have a neighbor who is extremely loud.  So loud, in fact, that on Friday I actually looked out my kitchen blinds to make sure she wasn’t on MY patio!!  So much for a quiet afternoon.  Oh, did I mention she has a mouth like a truck driver?  Yeah, it’s going to be a long summer.

As for the week ahead:

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: we’re hoping to do some walking on the trails at Garret Mountain today.  The day is supposed to be beautiful, after a bit of a stormy night.

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: I’ll be taking Mom and Lys to their doctor’s appointments this week.  Hopefully it will be good news, for a change.

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: it’s time to be on my way.  Church is calling, as it always does on Sunday.   Have a blessed week ahead, my friends!   ❤