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Good morning, friends. We’re another week closer to the end of 2019.  I’m looking forward to 2020.  I’ve always had better luck with even numbered years.  I’m hoping 2020 is going to be my year!  Won’t you join me for a cup of tea or coffee, sit a while, and tell me what your hopes and dreams are for next year?  🙂   If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: my week was a hectic one, but I finished what I needed to do, thanks to hubby & Lys helping out.  Most of you know I suffer from anxiety, and it was full bloom these past few weeks.  But I made it through, with only a slight meltdown.  I think I’ll pat myself on the back for that.  All I can say is PHEW!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: I decorated the house, but not like I used to.  No big tree.  Instead I have two smaller, fiber optic ones. My nativity was made by my son’s girlfriend, for my husband, who loves the minions.  I actually keep it out all year because it makes me smile.  I think it will make you smile, too!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: we got to walk Darty on Friday.  It was a cold, rainy day, and even Darty didn’t seem to like it.  He was much happier in the house.  We’ll be puppy sitting for an adorable puppy, Ellie, on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.  I can’t wait.  We’ve already had her here with us, and she’s a bundle of fluff!

Darty, after his treat 🙂

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: the LuLaRoe launch was fun!  We have another round of it today, at 3PM.  If you’re interested, you can catch us live on Facebook on Monday night at 8PM EST.  The clothing is beautiful, and there are styles for the men, too!! Please join our group page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lularoedorindaduclos/ and you can register at https://dorindaduclos.lularoebless.com/CustomerRegistration  You’ll need to do that if you plan to purchase any items.  I hope you’ll give it a look.  I’ll bet you’ll fall in love!  ❤

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: today is a special day at church.  It’s a memorial service for a beautiful woman who passed one year ago.  Gerry was a unique person, with so much love to give.  She was a blessing to all, and especially Alyssa.  She always told her she should be in fashion, and now she is.  So I know Gerry is watching over both of us.  It is also Fellowship Day, so we will be remembering Gerry during service and celebrating her during Fellowship.  I know it will be a very emotional day for her family, and all, who miss her dearly.

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: if you missed it, the post featuring the photos from the Victorian Christmas at Ringwood Manor, can be viewed HERE.  Please enjoy!  It was beautifully decorated and very festive.  🙂


As for the week ahead:

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: after Monday, I will be slowing down a bit.  I need to remember to take care of me, too.  I hope you’ll all remember to take care of yourself, too.  ❤

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: Christmas is a mere 10 days away.  Tell me, did you make Santa’s naughty or nice list?  I think you made the nice list, especially if you’ve indulged me, and read this far!!

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: it’s off to church I go! Gerry, Fellowship & LuLaRoe!  A full day for sure!  Until next time, be well, and have a blessed week, my friends!  ❤