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Good morning, friends!  So lovely to see you, again. Grab your tea, iced or hot, and let’s talk! It’s been a somewhat quiet week for me, as you will see why below.  Quiet is sometimes a very good thing.   🙂



If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: after putting it off as much as I could, I needed to contact my neurologist, for my nerve issues in my back.  So, now I’m on meds for the next month with the strict orders from her as follows: no lifting, no reaching, no unnecessary bending, no raking, no vacuuming (I like that one), but worst of all, no driving!!!  This puts such a burden on hubby and Lys, but they assured me it’s no big deal.  They’re both so amazing.  ❤

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: we went to a high school production of “Into the Woods”.  Alyssa’s friend Ken was the stage director.  They all did a marvelous job.  The voices on these young people are amazing and I hope they go far with them!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: but you already know, the voting for the Bloggers Bash Awards is LIVE!  I am so honored to be among the nominees.  The folks in the Best Blogging/Writing Blog are all so amazing!  If you haven’t voted, here’s the link! The Annual Bloggers Bash Awards 2019 Vote is LIVE! Pick your favorite bloggers/writers, photographers, foodies, lifestyle, and so on!  But I’ll warn you, it’s not going to be easy.

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: it’s hard to believe we’re almost halfway through April.  Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week for Christians. And next Sunday is Easter!!! What’s so great about this year is, Passover and Good Friday fall together, on the 19th.  How cool is that?!

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: it finally feels like spring in the Northeast.  The magnolias are blossoming pink and white, the hyacinths in their beautiful yellow, and the multi colors of tulips, are sprouting on front lawns everywhere!  Even my lilies are starting to come up.  I love my lilies.  They always make me smile.  What I don’t like is when the deer decide they make a tasty snack.  I have to guard them this year so it doesn’t happen again.

This is one of my lily plants. I took this last year.

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: and I think I’ve mentioned this before, I’m a Pokemon Go nerd.  Yesterday was community day and they had a special event going on.  It was a gorgeous day, temps almost hit 80, so I got to walk around a bit and have some fun with Neil, Alyssa and briefly, Alyssa’s friend, Charlie.  After that I did some food shopping, and some cooking for Fellowship Day tomorrow, at church.  I’m on the committee!  I made macaroni salad and a spinach dip.  It’s always a lovely day and I’m really looking forward to it, and the wonderful people I get to worship with.  ❤

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: I’m still counting the days until Alyssa is back home.  These two weeks are going to draaaaaaaaaaaaag.  It’s amazing how one person can make that much of a difference in your home.  I call her Sunshine because she truly lights up my day.  I know some day she’ll be out of the house, starting a family of her own, but until then…she’s mine!!  🙂

Think we’re related? Nah.

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: about the menace known as Dennis.  Yes, my buddy, the chipmunk.  I’m sure you’ve seen how well fed he is, hiding away peanuts and seeds in abundance.  Well, this is the thanks I get from him…

Look closer….he’s sticking his tongue out at me!!!  I apologize for the poor quality of the photo, I took it through my glass door, otherwise Dennis would come in and I’m sure, make himself at home. I’m gonna miss this little rascal when we move.  😦

If we were sipping tea and talking I would tell you: I got to listen to my friend, Kooch, read one of my short stories from my book!  I’m so excited!  We’re a long way off from being able to offer it on CD, but I’m still so excited!!!

As for the week ahead:

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: I’m not sure what I’ll be doing considering I can’t do anything I need to be doing.  But, this too, shall pass, and I’ll be back to my old self soon.

If we were sipping tea, basking in the sun and talking I would tell you: it’s time to be on my way.  Church is calling and it’s Fellowship Day.  Oh, right, you already know that!  Have a blessed week ahead, my friends!  ❤