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Author Leslie Walter left this beautiful review, of my book, “Short & not always Sweet” on my Facebook wall.  The words made my soul smile.  I wanted to share them with all of you.  ❤


If you venture to visit this faraway land, and you should, the only means of transport is to let your fingers do the walking through the changing scenery. The peaceful beauty of a Viceroy settled in the warmth of a summer garden announces the beginning of this poetic journey. A journey that advances as the afternoon sun lowers casting shadows, shadows that lengthen into the evening dusk delivering you through mysterious archways into the cold corridors of twilight. Throughout the dark hours of night loneliness is illuminated by senses of spiritual enlightenment until the dawn announces a new day, but all is not the same, you are not the same, such is the emotional influence of this poetic journey.
If you venture to visit this faraway land, and you should, do not anticipate a straight road for there are many twists and turns where distance and time are without measure. Observe with both eyes and mind, do not ignore a page, do not ignore a line, do not ignore a single word, for you will experience a sincere insight into the heart and soul of a beautiful poet. You may even be surprised to learn that Dorinda Duclos’s intuitive writing can arouse moments of déjà vu within the depths of your own mind.

Learn more about author Leslie Walter

Leslie’s Books