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A dark, clouded sky, no end in sight

Turned the morn, into an ebon night

Piles of sand, lay wasted on the beach

The ocean’s tide, was too far to reach

If it was there, I could no longer tell

As again, the clouds, began to swell

I watched, as emptiness, the cause

Brought attention, what’s this? (I paused)

There in the middle of nothingness

Amidst this plain, in mere ruggedness

Stood a flower, so dainty and eloquent

I could smell its fragrance, so redolent

I knew all hope had not been taken

And I, for one, had not been forsaken

Through the hours, and total madness

I truly hadn’t felt despair, nor sadness

Those petals, my reminder, to persevere

The darkness will always, eventually, clear


February Writing Prompts – In the midst of sadness and despair – Day 4/28

©2019 Dorinda Duclos All Rights Reserved
Photo via Pixabay CC0