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A path through the forest, a welcome sight, by day

She had wandered, for so long, much to her dismay

White slabs, edged in stone, ornate for this space

She set out on the trail, hoped to exit this place

Soon trees were bent over, as if they waved hello

Eerie shadows, in the sunlight, danced, to and fro

Twas then, by chance, she’d finally, made her way out

Til she looked again, scrunched her face, in a pout

She’d seen it all before, nothing new, how could it be?

Then, threw her hands in the air, sighed, rather loudly

The path went round in circles, she truly had to laugh

So, she grabbed her camera, and took a photograph


January Writing Prompt – The stone path through the woods lead her nowhere – Day 12/31

©2019 Dorinda Duclos All Rights Reserved
Photo via Pixabay CC0