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It’s a new year, and Michelle has new prompts! Seems she’s teamed up with someone this time. I wonder who it could be 😉 Join us for the fun!! See if you can figure out which prompts are hers and which one’s are mine!

Putting My Feet in the Dirt


Happy New Year everyone!  It’s hard to believe another year is gone.  I decided to team up this month with Dorinda Duclos to create some awesome prompts for all of you.  She wrote half of them, so let’s see if any of you can figure out which one’s she wrote verses the one’s I wrote.  I think it was sort of funny how we both had similar ideas.  Please leave some feedback and let me know if you are enjoying the longer prompts.  If you’d like me to go back to writing the shorter ones, I’d be happy to oblige.  Enjoy!  ~M

If you’re new to prompt writing, and don’t really understand how to use the prompts, please consider the following writing exercise.

Settle into your favorite place in the house with a hot drink to warm your waking bones.  Once you’ve warmed up a bit; grab your journal, a…

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