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There must have been a thousand lights
At least that’s what it looked like to her
Mesmerized by the flames of the candles
Blending together, everything was a blur

With every flicker, she became more enrapt
Her eyes, focusing on the dancing yellow
Not hearing his footsteps come from behind
He caught her off guard, this quiet fellow

He smiled ever briefly, then tipped his hat
Explaining why he was there, that day
Lighting a candle, for his wife, who passed
He gently knelt on the altar, to pray

Feeling a strong connection to this stranger
He, a man, who surely loved his wife
She was compelled, to kneel down beside him
And contemplate her own fate, in the afterlife


December Writing Prompt – Transfixed by the lights, she never noticed he was there – Day 13/31

©2018 Dorinda Duclos All Rights Reserved
Photo via Pixabay CC0