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The day had been so very hot
The AC was on the blink
I wanted something icy cold
Maybe just something to drink

I opened up the freezer
Wondering what there was
Inside, just waiting for me
YES! A pint of Haagen Dazs

I grabbed the small container
And a sugar cone, my favorite
Scooped the cold confection
And just as I began to savor it

My telephone started ringing
This really wasn’t the time
I’d let it go, not answer it
But, hey, it’s not my dime

I needed to put my cone down
So, on the table, I placed a plate
But when I came back minutes later
Alas, it surely was too late

A puddle merely sat there
The cone was empty and bare
The heat of the day had done its worst
I simply sat down in my chair

Saddened by what had happened
I took a moment to sit and think
Then lifting the plate up to my lips
I smiled, and took that drink

See, even though it had melted
The ice cream was as smooth as silk
I guess it’s true, about what they say
There’s no use crying over spilled milk


August Writing Prompt – Melted ice cream – Day 17/31

©2018 Dorinda Duclos All Rights Reserved
Photo via Pixabay CC0